Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fit a Little Fitness Into Your Day!

You might not always have time to complete a 30 or 45-minute workout, and that is okay! Studies have shown that you can get the same calorie burn and health benefits from chipping away at it throughout the day. It all adds up! During the past few years, express workouts have become much more popular both in the gym and on fitness DVDs. There are workouts that range from 5-30 minutes and all of them can offer you an energy boost whenever you can fit it in! Try exercising for 10 minutes before you go to work, 10 minutes before lunch, and 10 minutes after dinner; you will have done a 30-minute workout by the end of the day! 

My Minute Moves workouts are a perfect way to fit fitness into your life whether you are at the office, at home, on vacation or anywhere in between. My fitness videos are just a click away and can be done right at your desk! 

Try one out today on my Facebook page at: